Why Mars Need To Support Life

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The Search For Life in Our Galaxy

Many people have been asking the same question for years. Are we alone in our universe? Scientists and Astronomers have debated the possibility of finding life and what it takes for a planet to support life. Recently much of the focus on this topic has been turned to Mars and if Mars has what it takes to support life on Mars. I have seen many documentaries and articles on the ability for Mars and planets on our Solar System and Universe. I would like to learn exactly what characteristics a planet needs to support life? Will we ever find one? And Can Mars support life? Have we found any planets we think that could support life? These are the questions I hope to answer. Using this, I formed my research …show more content…

An overwhelming 75 percent of people agree that we will eventually find life and also a majority agreed that Mars has or could support life. Some of the responses also showed that people had no idea about this topic. When I asked them about how they would feel if we found life, a majority said they would be excited. Next, I did a google search to find out what a planet actually need to support life. I came upon a website from the University of Utah explaining what conditions are able to support life. This provided a list which answered a very important question which I needed in order to understand what planets can or cannot support life. Then I was curious if Mars contained all these characteristics, so I searched on Google if Mars could support life. I found article by space.com. This provided interesting information on why Mars could or could not support life. Even though Mars, may not be able to support terrestrial life, It is promising for smaller life forms and bacterias. The Humidity on Mars could be enough to support these organisms. I had heard from my brother that an group was attempting to send people to Mars to colonize it. I decided to look into this more and I found a mission by an organization called Mars One. Their mission is to attempt to colonize Mars in around 2020. I began to wonder if we have found any other planets like Mars that could possibly support life. I found another article by Space.com and also an article by Nasa which says we have found many possible planets like earth which could support life. The Kepler spacecraft continues to find new exoplanets which could contain life but we have no way of knowing for sure because they are light years away. Kepler -452b is the most hopeful of the group of exoplanets found and I wanted to know exactly how long it would take to get there. I did some searching on the internet and found an article by Express

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