Persuasive Essay On Fluoridation Disadvantages

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Fluoridation disadvantages do not talk about

Fluoride is a controversial substance, which can be found almost in every dental products - including those pastes designed for young children. It is ridiculous that fluoride may be used in toothpastes, although it is more toxic than lead and only the particle too toxic than arsenic. Fluoride works in our body neurotoxin that interferes with the operation of the entire metabolism, accumulates in bones, interfering with the endocrine system, lowers children's learning ability and intelligence as well as exposing to several disorders blood-brain barrier of passing ability result.

Fluoride is toxic and the fluoride causes cancer

Correct the extent that fluoride is toxic and deadly if it gets too much. Incorrectly so far that the fluoride carcinogenic. …show more content…

Fluoride poisoning cause a variety of symptoms. First, may experience nausea, and if you get the right overdose and no action is taken, then finally can throw their lives.

Overdose with a very large quantity of fluorine is in fact required. If a preschool child would eat adult toothpaste, it would have been very dangerous, and in such cases will take a child urgently to hospital.

The use of fluorine in toothpastes, fluoride tablets and mouthwashes is strictly controlled by the authorities instructions. However, if you use all possible fluoride over-enthusiastically, fluorine can get too much. It is a matter which should be discussed with industry professionals.

Can fluorine causes white spots?

Children under school age is important that you follow the correct dosage toothpaste and other fluoride used to prevent dental

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