Persuasive Essay On E-Cigarettes

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I think that e-cigarettes can be a good tool for some people in being able to help them cut back and hopefully quit smoking entirely. I think that this type of device does help smokers to be able to slowly wean themselves off of cigarettes by still having the familiar habit of bringing a cigarette to their mouth while they gradually lessen the amount of nicotine that they consume. I also feel though that because of the fun flavors available like bubble gum and bacon that this does create an enticement for kids and teenagers to want to try them, and this could lead to them adding the nicotine and thus becoming addicted. I have concerns over the health safety of e-cigarettes, yes they are probably much better than smoking actual cigarettes, but what about the vaping chemicals do they have health risks that are unknown to us at this time? …show more content…

I think that the nicotine patches and gum should also continue to be suggested as available cessation products in helping to quit smoking or the use of other tobacco products. I think it comes down to the individual and what will work best for them. I know someone who was able to quit smokeless tobacco by using the nicotine gum, but he has become hooked on the gum for many years now. I could see the same type of occurrence happening with the e-cigarette by trading the actual tobacco product for it. You hope that those addicted to tobacco would be able to entirely quit by using these cessation products instead of ending up using them as a substitute. Is this alternative of using cessation products better and more safe for their health if they continue to use it instead of the tobacco product? I don’t believe we really know the answer to that question

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