E-Cigarettes Informative Speech

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From cigarettes being the hype to e-cigarettes now being the hype— But are they as harmless as they say? Hon Lik is the man credited of inventing the e-cigarette. He was a pharmacist, and surprisingly so, he died of lung cancer. Since the start of e-cigarettes, sales have splurged, about 3.7 percent of adults use them everyday or most days. But, it isn’t just adults using them, it’s teenagers too, especially. More than 15 percent of teenagers use e-cigarettes from a study in 2015, and even since then, those percentages have soared. Part of the reason so many teenagers use them is because they are so easy to obtain. Most websites don’t require ID’s, the most they do is have a pop-up message asking if you’re 18. Another reason they are so popular …show more content…

Now let’s talk about all the reasons why e-cigarettes aren’t as safe as sellers make them seem. Starting with toxins, there are tons of them in regular cigarettes, but guess what else does? E-Cigarettes. They have cancer causing toxins, toxins called acrylonitrile and acrylamide, along with the plethora of other toxins that are unknown yet. Although they have approximately 1000 times less carcinogens than conventional cigarettes, any carcinogens going into your body are never good. Toxins are especially found in the vape juice, and specific flavors too. With cinnamon flavored vape juice, it seemed to compromise the function of the body’s immune cells such as microphages, natural killer cells, and neutrophils. Also with popcorn flavored vape juice, a problem was already run into. “In 2000, eight workers in a microwave popcorn processing plant became sick with severe lung disorder, later dubbed popcorn lung” (Shaffer). This is likely the same effect with vaping, and all fingers can be pointed to a toxin called diacetyl. Fruit flavored e-cigs produced …show more content…

What are all the known effects e-cigs have on your body and what kind of toll do they take? Let’s start with the brain. E-Cigs contain nicotine which cause long-lasting chemical changes on your brain and lead to addiction. You may also experience tremors, and e-cigs are toxic to a developing brain. Now with the lungs, vaping can cause shallow breathing, permanent lung damage, and also may lead to asthma, lung cancer, or disease. Such as popcorn lung caused by diacetyl. E-Cigarettes also “have substantial effect on blood vessels and may increase risk of heart attack, lead to cardiovascular disease, and can lead to the worsening of any heart disease” (Nievienberg). During pregnancy, e-cigs have an effect on pregnancy and can harm the fetus and lead to low birth weight, it also can effect reproductive health. Now with 70%-90% of users being dual users, it’s doubles the effects on your body. E-Cigarettes also don’t necessarily help you break the habit, and can lead you to smoke marijuana as well. They permanently reduce impulse control, and create issues with attention and thought process. But wait, that is not all, a child in 2014 even died from digesting e-cig liquid, and many other children have been poisoned by the substance. E-cigarettes have excruciating effects on the body, right along with cigarettes. How can they be so “safe” as they say, because there is outstanding evidence they

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