Persuasive Essay On Closed Campus Lunch

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Lately, the board members at Hatch Valley High School are not liking the idea of an open campus for lunch. The topic of discussion has been to have a closed campus. Closed campus is not a good idea and it is not needed at Hatch Valley High School. First of all, lunches offered by the school are not appetizing. Second, students need to be able to leave school for a bit for some type of relaxation. Lastly, some students may have responsibilities to take care of during those 30 minutes of lunch. As I mentioned earlier, school food is not appetizing. Most of the lunches are served everyday. There is not much variety to choose from either. This is when going off campus would be good. Students would be able to get better food with more options to choose from. There are also the students who go home for …show more content…

A lot of students need to be able to take care of their responsibilities. Sometimes, my father is not always in town to pay the water bill, this is where I come in. The time given to us during lunch is the time that I use to go and pay that water bill. There are also those students who have sick and/or elderly relatives that need assistance. Students are able to leave campus to go help their relative with whatever they may need. Do you like puppies? Cats maybe? Well, guess what? There are students who need to feed their pets. If you have a pet, you wouldn’t want it to starve all day till you get home from school would you? I know I wouldn’t. A lot of students take the time to go home and feed their animals during lunch time. Overall, closed campus would be a terrible idea. You would be stopping students from paying bills and running their errands. They wouldn’t be able to go home and relax for a bit like they need to. They aren’t able to help their loved ones or feed their animals that they have at home. The school food is terrible with no variety to choose from. Closed campus should not be enforced here at Hatch Valley High

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