Pros And Cons Of Open Campus Lunches

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For the majority of high school students having the option to go home for lunch or to go somewhere to eat would be the ultimate dream. High school students do not think about the dangers and worry that open campus lunch would cause for staff and parents. They do not think about the small sum of students who would spend that time doing drugs or making messes at local businesses. There would also be an amount of students who would not return, or they may be late returning to school due to traffic at fast food places. Faculty would also have the fret of an increase of car accidents caused from the limited time students would have to go wherever and get back before their next class. On the other hand, students would learn responsibilities and time management. Parents would be forced to give their children money to eat out. Along with the money on their school lunch accounts, or they would be apart of the free lunch school program. Schools cannot have open campus lunches …show more content…

The Illinois Board of Education is who requires schools to have this program. The schools receive money or reimbursements from the state for these free meals. In return, schools have to serve certain foods that meet state food requirements. Requiring students to have a fruit, a meat, a grain, a milk, and a vegetable. Unfortunately, this meal for some students is the only complete meal they will get all day. On the other hand, having open campus lunch would force students to learn time management and teach them what future responsibilities for college and employment. Students would have thirty minutes to get where they would choose to eat and back while remaining punctual. Some students would receive tardies, some would be early, some would be right on time, and some would not return. Since high school prepares students for college, having open campus lunch would be a great thing for students to get

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