Persuasive Essay On Climate Change

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The United States must combine with other nations to come up with a plan to reduce emissions and overall put in an effort to fight global warming. Since the industrial revolution, humans have come a long way, inventing things like airplanes and faster cars. That also means that humans are releasing more carbon emissions than ever and releasing non-naturally occurring greenhouse gases because of our high demand to burn fossil fuels. President Obama met with global leaders and decided to reduce global carbon emissions and to set the world on a course to a low carbon future. The issue of climate change hasn’t been as big of a priority for the US as it should be. In 2008, America was the largest emitter of greenhouse gases until China became the …show more content…

The ocean surface acidification has increased 30% since the industrial revolution. The Himalayan glaciers that supply water to almost one billion people from China to Afghanistan, is predicted to disappear completely by 2035. The Himalayas water flows through India into Pakistan and India’s rivers are not only vital to its agriculture, but critical to its religious practices as well. Pakistan is heavily dependent on irrigated farming in order to prevent famine. More than ⅓ of Americans live within coastal counties and the sea-level is predicted to rise twice as much by the end of the century. This means that many coastal communities will have to relocate inland. The issue is as clear as can be, climate change is a global problem that connects to many other issues including geographic, cultural, and economic …show more content…

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, climate change is a threat to the world’s basic necessities because it affects our food and water security. Therefore, businesses should seriously evaluate mitigation efforts as climate change has a drastic impact upon everyone. Extreme catastrophic events also increase the rates of the transmission of infectious diseases through the consumption of unclean water and contaminated food. These conditions will force people to migrate to other areas trying to avoid these health risk factors. Other nations are most likely to deal with the adverse effects of global warming than the others. “The UN IPCC report noted in their findings that there are potential humanitarian risks that climate change poses for the world’s vulnerable populations. For instance, climate change has already cut into the global food supply with the recent decline of global crop yields like wheat production. Accordingly, the report associated climate change to the rising food prices and political instability in Asia and Africa after the food price inflation in 2008.”

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