The Importance Of Global Warming In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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Global warming is a problem that is often overlooked by many and is hindered among other problems that require immediate actions. Over the last 136 years the temperature in earth has increased 1.7°¬¬¬F. Although an increase of 1.7°¬¬¬F over 136 years may not seem like a lot but humans are destroying the earth at a faster rate than ever before. Human omissions are roughly equal to 4 Hiroshima atomic bombs exploding across the planet every second leaving future generations of human in jeopardy. With warmer climate comes with catastrophic outcomes like drought, which can destabilize the food sources on earth leaving millions of people hungry. Widespread extinction of most species on earth and the melting of polar ice caps can raise the sea level leaving most of the world’s coastal cities under water. This cannot happen overnight but if humans keep omitting at the current rate the outcome of climate change will become prominent …show more content…

We hear about global warming and climate change all the time but often we ignore and go on with what we were doing. Simply because what we were doing at that moment seemed more important than what is coming. This can occur because human are confused by climate change. Confused if it is truly happening or what we should do about it. In The Lottery by Shirley Jackson we see a similar approach by humans when solving an issue in their society. The concept of their society included a person being stoned to death by jeopardizing their name in a lottery among the whole village. The tradition of the lottery was passed on from generations to generations and the reason for it is unknown but no one seemed to be insisting the concept until they are the victims. This is related to the concept of global warming since we as humans tend to step over this big problem since it is not effecting us immediately. Until we start approaching the problem together the issue of global warming will not be

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