Persuasive Essay On Animal Abuse

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Today animal abuse issue is very urgent. Our world is full of cruelty and violence. Very often animals are helpless and people use them for their own purposes. "Every 60 seconds an animal is being abused and each year 525,600 animals are being abused"(Walden).

The punishment for people who abuse animals should increase because animal abuse is not taken seriously by authorities. For many years animal control officers have seized hundreds of animals on Paul Novicki property. Finally, the control officers decided enough was enough and turned him in. Dr.Lara Gardner, an equine veterinarian, went to Novicki property and said it was by far the worst case of neglect she has ever seen. An equine veterinarian is animal doctors who provide medical …show more content…

Research shows that people who abuse animals will abuse or kill people. Animals are a part of people's families they love and care for them. If you abuse or kill an animal you should be charged with a felony. Many people agree that abusing animals is wrong and should be charged with a big fine/punishment. Danielle Ergh said "People must be punished for the intentional cruelty and abuse of an animal.Abusing or killing an animal should be punished severely just for the act of harming an animal when not in self-defense just like killing a person is"(Eric[5th comment bottom of article]). This is a real person who agrees that animal abuse is wrong and should be a crime. There are much more people out there who are wanting to stop animal abuse one because animals didn't do anything to you and two it leads to abusing other people. This is another woman who agrees that animal abuse should be considered as a crime. Yes, it is an opinion but this is a real person who has heard or has read an animal abuse case and agrees that the charge should be higher. Dona said " I think animal abusers should get prison time and a huge fine it should be a felony. My dog is family. These abusers are cowards and in my mind criminals and should be punished as such"(Eric[1st comment bottom of article]). She is just one out of thousands of people who say animal abuse is wrong just like Danielle said and another to come. Again, another woman has said that prison is not enough for people who abuse animals. Raina said "Obviously someone who abuses animals has control and esteem issues. Send abuser to prison and rehabilitation, prison is not enough as they will absolutely abuse again"(Eric[8th comment bottom of article] ). It's been proven that people who abuse animals are likely to hurt human beings. In conclusion, authorities have never really taken animals abuse seriously. In

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