Addressing Global Animal Cruelty: A Call for Change

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Animal cruelty, also called animal abuse, is the harming of animals or not caring for an animal responsibly. It is against the law to abuse animals, especially for personal benefits. Animal cruelty is a global problem that cannot be easily solved. In Indonesia, more than 100 animals are abused each year, whether they are dogs or cats or even cows are abused. The most common form of animal cruelty is abandonment of animals by heartless owners that treat them like they are a piece of trash. Animals that are neglected by their owners roam around the streets and eventually die due to starvation or some kind of disease. Animals are not something that cannot be thrown away so easily, because they have rights as well and we need to treat them the Although not all humans treat animals badly, we should still attempt to educate as many people as we could about animal cruelty. Animal cruelty does not only affect animals, it affects humans as well. Animals that are abused tend to be aggressive or traumatized and these animals can lash out at any human at any given time. This is a danger towards people, especially little children. Children should be educated from their early ages so that our next generation will treat animals kindly and stop animal cruelty. There are some people who care deeply about animals, and we all should aim to be like those people. These people set up animal shelter and rescue centers to give abandoned animals a home. I believe this is a fantastic thing to do because research shows that animals are much more happy and healthy when they have a proper home rather than being surrounded by so many other animals in the shelter. Animals should not be caged up because they need to be free. There is a viral video on the internet that shows an angora bunny being tortured by having its feathers plucked out one by one. This is one of the worst forms of animal cruelty. Have you ever heard of the dog ass Man’s Best Moreover, parents who are cruel to animals set a bad example for their children as the children are still growing and will most likely follow their parent’s actions. To stop animal cruelty forever, we need to start with our generation and from there we pass our knowledge to the next generation. An effective way to start stopping of animal cruelty is to start campaigns and educate the society on how to prevent animal abuse. Next time you see an animal getting abuse, we should always report it to the police and you could save an innocent animals life. We can all help prevent animal cruelty in the environment if we start treating animals gently without harming them whatsoever. Even if we don’t do big things like start animal shelters, we can help by spreading the message that animals need to be treated fairly. Besides humans and plants, animals are the only other living plants that can move just like us. We must protect these animals. Over the past decade, more than 100 species of animals have been extinct. If people keep abusing animals, more animals will be extinct

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