Persuasive Essay On Animal Abuse

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"Life is life 's greatest gift. Guard the life of another creature as you would your own because it is your own. On life 's scale of values, the smallest is no less precious to the creature who owns it than the largest" (Animal Welfare Quotes, 1). This quote is attributed to Lloyd Biggle Jr. Animal cruelty can be either deliberate abuse or simply the failure to take care of an animal. Either way, whether the animal is a domesticated pet, a farm animal, or wildlife, the victim can suffer terribly. Like humans, animals need to be cared for, fed, be sheltered in order to live without fear or discomfort. However, not all animals are treated the way they should be, and some suffer pain, abandonment or mistreatment. Extended periods of abuse can lead to seriously compromised health or even death. Stressed adults take out their anger on their pet which leads to health issues in the animal. Domesticated pets can sense how their owner feels and can make the person feel …show more content…

Believe it or not, testing on animals for cosmetics continue regardless of the non-animal tests available. Instead of the Draize test, which measures how long it takes for a substance to burn away a rabbit’s eye, producers of the product can now drop that substance into cornea-like tissue configurations produced from human cells. Therefore, making the testing results more accurate and beneficial for human use. In addition, human skin can be grown and obtained for use in skin irritation testing of products. Many more experiments now in use are quicker and more precise at expecting human responses to a product animal tests ever were. Scientists say, “However, huge multiproduct manufacturers, such as Johnson & Johnson, driven by a fear of lawsuits (although animal tests have not proved effective in a company’s defense when a consumer sues) continue to poison, burn, and blind animals in tests” (Cosmetics and Household-Product Animal Testing,

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