Persuasive Essay Comparing Two Commercials

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Competing companies enjoy tearing each other apart by the use of commercials. Using commercials is a powerful tool that can possibly give a company the edge when competing with another high demand company. The main goal is to draw more consumers to their products or imply and negative outlook on the opposite company. Television, the internet, YouTube and other platforms display these competitive commercials that can sometimes lead to a person battling themselves on whether or not to change their outlooks or spend money on a company. Google Chrome and Microsoft for example created two commercials that have frequently been broadcasted in 2016. In Google Chrome and Microsoft’s commercial, target audience, historical context, media choice and rhetorical appeals collaboratively play an important role into the making of both commercials. The Google Chrome commercial targets a unique audience. There are no people depicted within the commercial. The commercial is intended to reach out to teens and young adults because they are the ones that use the internet the most. Similarly to Google Chrome's commercial, the Microsoft commercial pinpoints the same unique audience that Google Chrome does. Both commercials were broadcasted as a YouTube ad which is most commonly accessed by teens and young adults. The commercials can be viewed by anyone but …show more content…

School districts are even beginning to adapt using Chromebooks inside of their learning experience. Today’s society is always on the move and the commercial directly states that “chrome is everywhere”. The laptop, tablet and phone in the commercials shows viewers that the browser is available on every device. Everyone in the 21st century has a smartphone, tablet or laptop so this commercial can surely stand out to the time period in which it was

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