Persuasive Essay Against Zoos

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The crowd starts to swarm around the latest attraction; you can hear gasps of awe from the children and people saying “look at that!” This attraction happens to be a bear laying out in the hot sun. Children are standing on the ledge of the fence trying to catch a glimpse of the bear. Phones out and ready to snap pictures of it.
This is a common sight at zoos around the world. The zoo is a popular place for families and people of all ages to visit, especially in the Chicagoland area where our two zoos, Brookfield and Lincoln Park are a favorite for families to visit all year-long. However, there is a controversy over zoos: whether they’re humane or not. For example, in 2016, Harambe, a gorilla was killed at the Cincinnati Zoo after a three-year-old …show more content…

Dave Hone, a paleontologist, who states, “zoos raise money for conservation efforts by enabling people to experience wildlife first hand.” I admit that zoos protect endangered animals from threats, however, most zoos don’t spend a large amount of money on conservation. According to Hancocks, less than 3 percent of the budget at zoos go towards conservation-instead, they spend money on creating exhibits to attract visitors.
Even though zoos are trying to replicate the animals’ natural habitats, it’s common for animals to live in unfit conditions. The Washington Post reported how Reston Zoo violated The Animal Welfare act, a federal law that regulates the treatment of animals. One incident was an African crested porcupine, who was placed in 8 degree weather, even though the animal is used to warm climates. This made the porcupine faint and the keepers gave him medicine past the expiration date. He died a few hours after this incident.
This reminds me of the time I visited Brookfield Zoo on a sunny, 90 degree day. I saw a polar bear surrounded by a field of grass underneath the blazing, hot sun. He looked dehydrated as he rested against a gray door trying to escape the blistering heat. The lady next to me said “The poor polar bear wants to go inside,” while she stood there with her camera …show more content…

There, four large cows were lined up and chained to a metal bar while eating their dinner. Goats were cramped in a small metal cage with feces and hay scattered all around them. A goat, whose white fur was starting to turn gray from the dirt, stuck its head between the two metal bars, trying to get to the other side away from the crowded area. This image was engraved into my brain as I left the zoo. In that moment I realized that the zoo is not a just a fun place you visit for a day, instead it’s a place that these animals have to live in for the rest of their lives.
My overall experience at Lincoln Park was the opposite of fun. It wasn’t fun seeing animals trapped and not doing anything. It wasn’t fun seeing animals live in a desolate enclosure. Most people visit zoos with their families and friends and spend the entire day with smiles on their faces, buying souvenirs, admiring the animals, or attending a dolphin show. But, they fail to look beyond the surface and think about the animals that are put on

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