Personality Type Of Esfp

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ENFP also known as the campaigner is my personality type (16 personalities). I never realized what my personality type was until after finally doing this paper. It was a very eye opening assignment and made me realize and understand my personality type so much more. It’s exciting to know how I work. It amazes me at how I represent the ENFP exactly how it’s described, it’s crazy. I feel like I can better myself now, knowing that that’s just normal or my personality type. Before I would question myself on why I could never focus on just one task at a time, I would always want to explore more before I was finished. Now that I know that’s normal, I can work on improving myself. The campaigner represents a true free spirit. ENFP stands for extravert, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving and …show more content…

We want to avoid jobs that will consist of repetition, predictability, and lead to boredom. It’s challenging for our type to select a career because we see so many things we would like to explore or learn. We get fascinated by new ideas both in terms of developments in fields were already familiar with, and when new subjects come along. Some of the top careers for ENFPs is journalism, acting, reporter, psychologist, counselor, or something to do with fitness, nutritionist, also they can establish themselves as entrepreneurs (In Depth). Those are the top careers for a ENFPs, they are known as having a natural propensity for role-playing. Knowing now that I have an ENFP personality type and that they struggle with choosing a career, relieves some pressure off my shoulders. I would always change what I wanted to study and I hated when people would always ask me what I wanted to do because I could never forget it out. One day it seemed like I would have a plan and then by the next morning I changed my mind. It’s nice knowing it’s

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