Personal Narrative: What's Wrong?

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Last year, in the 8th grade, I had two best friends. One named Maya and the other named Jane. Maya, Jane, and I were all unquestionably close friends, but one day all Maya wanted was to be popular and be friends with another girl who threw entertaining parties. Soon, Maya stopped hanging out with us as much and it was just Jane and me. After a while, Jane and I befriended another girl named Mary. Mia noticed that I grew a stronger bond with Mary and became upset due to the fact that Maya doesn’t adore Mary. One day, I noticed Jane crying and decided to ask her what was wrong. “Hey Jane. Why are you crying? Are you alright?” I asked in confusion. “Yeah I’ll be alright. You can birr back to Mary I just want to be alone for a little bit.” Jane responded. …show more content…

You’re upset. Why don’t you just tell me what’s wrong?” “I’m ok! I just want to be alone.” On the weekend. I invited my friends, Mary, Jane, and Rebecca, to my house. Jane received an Instagram notification from Maya and I asked Jane if I could open it and say hi. With Jane’s consent, I opened Jane’s Instagram messages and it came to my surprise that Maya and Jane were talking about me spending too much time with Mary. I showed Mary the messages and we decided it was best to ignore it unless they continue to talk behind our backs. Later that night, Maya started texting Jane ,on Instagram, about us again. Since I was logged onto Jane’s Instagram on my phone, I was able to obtain their notifications. As I was reading their conversation, I became upset by reason of the fact they were trying to find a way to disassociate Mary and me from spending time together. The next week, I decided to text both Maya and Jane to confront them about the messages they were sending. “Why did you two talk about splitting Mary and me up?” I

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