Personal Narrative: Waking Up In A Grocery Store

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I don't remember everything. It all happened really fast. I remember waking up in a truck. One of those big delivery trucks that bring products to the grocery stores. I looked up, my eyes trying to adjust to the darkness. Where were Maddie and Jay? I just hoped they were okay. I tried to move my hands, but they are tied behind my back with something hard and cold. Chains? My feet were not chained, but when I tried to move them, they wouldn't budge. something was holding them down. My eyes adjusted and the truck became more clear. The space was huge, kind of like a huge horse trailer. Boxes sat in the corners, the smell of vegetables is in the air. I looked down to see what was covering my legs. It was Jay. "Jay!," I whispered. …show more content…

Is that you?" "Yeah Jay. What happened?" "That guy came out of the woods and kidnapped us duh!" "Where is Maddie?" "I don't know." I looked around the room, trying to spot her. In the corner next to a box of what looked like potatoes, she sat slumped against the wall. "I see her!" I said. "I think I can get to her," said Jay. He pushed off the ground with his feet and started scooting across the dust covered floor. "Maddie!" he yelled. "Jay, be quiet! The guy might hear us!" I said, trying to keep my voice low. He finally made it to her side. "Maddie?" he said, panic in his voice. I held my breath when she started to move. She lifted her head, a bloody gash across her forehead. She was the last one to get hit, so I didn't see what happened to her or if she almost made it away. "Maddie?" I said. She tried to move, but only fell over, her head hitting Jay's chest. He moved his hands under his feet, bringing them to the front of his body. He wrapped his arms around her, trying to keep her from passing out …show more content…

I put my arms under my feet so my hands would be in front of me. I did that to get out of handcuffs once." "You got arrested?" "No! They were plastic," he said. He pushed her head up and tried to get her attention. "Maddie! Look at me." "Huh?" she said. Her eyes were open then, looking around the room frantically. "What is happening?" she yelled. "It's going to be okay," I said, but I spoke too soon. At that moment, the truck stopped, and the back door swung open, revealing the man that robbed us of our freedom. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Now, we are sitting in a hallway in his home, next to a big metal door. He left only seconds ago to go get the keys. I should've tried to overpower him. I should've gotten the others to help me. He couldn't take all of us at once...could he? Jay is next to me, his hands now back behind him. The man made sure they would stay there too. Chains now wrapped completely around him, restraining his arms. Maddie is slumped against me, her head on my shoulder. She is still dazed from the damage to her head. She probably has a

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