Personal Narrative: Transition From Childhood To Adulthood

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A time in my life where I believe that I started to transition from childhood to adulthood took place at YMCA Camp DuNord, through a program called the leadership development program (LDP). During the program I was able to spend time with groups of kids and families up in northern Minnesota at a family camp. And it’s pretty amazing how you can make an impact on kids. It might not be that drastic for every child but it is fun to see them laugh, think, communicate with others and try new things during his or her week at camp. Being a teenager, you’re at that age where those younger kids are looking up to you as adults. Having that feeling is pretty amazing if you think about it and being able to positively influence a kid’s life is pretty powerful. Not only interacting with kids helped me mature, talking to all different age levels of people improved my listening and communication skills. The whole experience …show more content…

I think that an opportunity is something that can be taken for granted by many people and can lead to regrets and a sense of no fulfillment. This occurrence is quite common especially for my peers. Opportunities are a positive thing for anyone but ultimately some people don’t follow through because they feel like it requires too much time and dedication. Opportunity by definition is “a good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success.” The last part of this definition is key because it mentions how taking advantage of an opportunity can lead to “advancement or success”, small or large. A good quote about opportunity is “Often people think opportunity is a matter of luck. I believe opportunities are all around us. Some seize it. Others stand and let it pass by.” That is very true but I am the type of person to seize an opportunity. If I were accepted into this university, I would capitalize on the amazing

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