Personal Narrative: The Crew

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On my sixteenth birthday, my friends--we call ourselves The Crew--gave me the best gift ever. They combined two of my favorite things--the TV show, Law and Order, and Taylor Swift--and created a mini movie. The first time I watched it, and every time since, I crack up laughing. It is the funniest, quirkiest creation I have ever seen and it’s a fantastic representation of how thoughtful and loving my friends truly are. I had met and was friends with all the girls that were in the The Crew before we officially formed our little girl group in 6th grade. I was (and still am) a rather shy and introverted girl. In elementary school, I always had friends but most of the time I just never felt I could be myself around them. They would ask, "Sarah, …show more content…

The lessons are numerous and range from trivial to profound, but there’s one that's had the most impact on my life. Fortunately, I was born into a unconditionally loving family with good health and parents that I feel comfortable talking to under almost any circumstance. Until I got to really know my friends, I was aware that not everybody’s lives were like this but never really understood what a life without those privileges was like. But then my perspective changed when I found out that a couple of my friends have terrible relationships with their parents and suffer from depression and anxiety. Another one of my friends suffers from chronic migraines and has been hospitalized three times in the past year. All of my friends are incredible individuals, and knowing in detail of what they withstand on a daily basis has made me more empathetic to the people around me. I think we all forget sometimes that other people are people, we subconsciously go into this state of mind thinking we’re the center of the whole world. But in actuality, that is not the case; everyone else has their own unique lives and issues they’re dealing with. So what I’ve learned by knowing of my friends’ distinctive stories is just to be more cognizant of others. It's difficult to have that state of mind all the time, but in doing so I have better relationships with

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