Analysis Of Last Lecture By Randy Pausch

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The famous “Last Lecture” speech is moving speech by Randy Pausch, a father a husband, and a greatly remembered computer science professor at Carnegie Melon University. In his mid-40s he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He had 10 tumors in his liver and was given 3 to 6 months to live. This speech is a wonderful story of his life and accomplishments and has great rewarding lessons throughout the whole lecture. He says that he is not going to talk about cancer, his wife or kids (because it makes him upset), or spirituality and religion. The main point of this speech was childhood dreams, enabling the dreams of others, and lessons learned. He shares his childhood dreams and how he basically accomplished all of him because he tried and Another great quote from this lecture was “brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.” I love this because this means you have to work hard for things and that if there is something in the way you can waiver around that to get to what you really want. A lot of people make excuses for their problems and not being able to get where they want to go but there is no excuse because like the quote says the knocking the brick walls down isn’t as hard as it seems and it shows how hard you’re willing to work for what you really want. Hearing this from Randy made me realize maybe I’m not giving my full potential to things that I want and that’s something I myself can easily fix. I need to be the one to push down those brick walls so I can get to I think that one of the most important things it to show love and be kind to everyone. Of course not to the point where advantage is taken but life is much better when you love the people around you. I do believe that “love makes the world go round” and that not enough love is a big problem with the world. The people you love is what makes your life so great. We also never know when the last day is so it is good to mindful of how you love your loved ones and make sure that you’re loving them in a way they deserve to be loved. Although I’m only 19 I have life lessons that I have learned that I think are great things to live by. My first life lesson would be to always be kind. It’s very simple but creates a world of a difference. This means so much to me in so many ways. Kindness will make a person feel better even if they aren’t that way themselves. I’ve seen the change simple kindness can do. It can change the outlook on someone’s life or give someone a little hope. My second life lesson is to always have a positive attitude. Do not be negative. Negativity has no good to it and all it does is throw people down. It’s important that you radiate a positive attitude to other people because they will feel better about being around you. I used to have a negative outlook on life and think that everything was horrible. Now that I’ve gotten older I’ve seen the importance of positivity. By me changing my negative

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