Personal Narrative: The Beach

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It was a sunny and warm day, a wonderful day for a trip to the beach. I grabbed my supplies and made launch then headed out. Instantly knew I was close as the humid, hot, salty air hit my face, and ran through my nostrils. The scent was relaxing. There it was, blue waters with white waves washing up on the shore. Less than a minute walk to finally feel the warm sand against the bottom of my feet. I gently kicked off my sandals, smirking as my feet hit the hot concrete and crossed the lanes into the soft, warm, light sand. A short walkway in between dark green bushes led to the beach. With every step a sense a peace fell over me, taking in every grain of sand between each toe. Found a great area to rest, right next to the Ocean and not too close to other people. I saw little kids scream as a wave slammed onto the shore, splashing up and around them. I got my blanket out and set my chair into …show more content…

I shivered when cold clear blue water rushed up legs. I began to walk out further as the waves came crashing down around my waist splashing onto my face and chest. Past the tide, I stood still as the water softly sways me from side to side, enjoying the view of the sun shining down on the calm blue ocean. I got a little nervous as the thought of sharks crossed my mind. I watched the ocean start to shape and create a blue wave, curling over into a roaring larger wave. I wait until the very last second to dive in as the white waters swallow me up me, feeling the heavy wave rip right over my body from head to toe. I pop out inhaling while I wipe away the water, with a harsh salty taste left in my mouth, I was ready to do that again. The current wasn’t too strong. I swam opposite direction, either jumping with motion of the ocean or diving under each stream. I stayed out there enjoying every wave for a

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