Personal Narrative: Single Parent Home

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Life began in the University Medical Center of Southern Nevada, with a mom that was only 19. We grew up together, watching the Las vegas lights fade during the day and glisten in the night. It was just me and her, we had family to make sure we were supported but when it came to the end of the day, it was her and I, no one else. Growing up in a single parent home had its struggles, but we made it. When I wasn’t at school, and no one could watch me I would go to work with her. I knew the system, make snowflakes, paper chains, and have conferences in the meeting hall. My mom worked everyday to make sure she could provide for me, she did good, she spoiled me when she could, but always supported me. Although my mom had a steady job we were constantly moving, maybe not towns, or states, but houses …show more content…

I was still, grounded, settled, but felt as lost as I was before. My mom and I’s relationship grew and shrunk throughout the years. When I was ten years old my mom got pregnant with my little sister, Chris left us… my mom, me, and his baby. I had to be the rock, the foundation, everyones crying shoulder. I became silenced, scared, distant, closed. My opening personality was closed with a twenty foot wall, a wall that no one could get through, they could try but would never succeed. When Chris left, I developed abandonment problems, my biological father left me, now my stepdad and best friend has left me. I didn’t understand, never have, and never will. When Elly was two years old Chris came back into our lives, distant at first, but came back to being my dad and best friend. My mom and I started to fight a lot when I entered high school. It was a constant battle, she struggled with her mental illness and I was fighting high school. My sophomore year I struggled with depression, scared to tell anyone, so I masked it with a bubbly personality that everyone loved. My mom was my best friend and now she was the woman making me want to leave and never come back… So many words

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