Personal Narrative: Parenting With False Dichotomy

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Parenting with False Dichotomy As a parent I lie, trick, and even devise completely bogus stories to get my daughter to learn what I conceive to be vital lessons. My daughter is what some would refer to as a strong-willed child. I honestly think she believes she has life all figured out. It can be strenuous reasoning with her. Sometimes she needs some extra convincing, and often the use of a best and worst-case scenario is what I need to get her to see things my way. One of the greatest tools I use in my parental arsenal is the use of false dichotomy fallacy. Its helped me to make headway in many debates. I want my little girl to have an amazing career, and grow up to be an honorable person. I am not ashamed of using a fallacious argument …show more content…

I would get into a lot of mischief, and I struggled to figure out what I wanted to do for a career. Therefore, I question my little girl regularly. What do you want to be when you get older? I Hear something different almost every time. One time she tells me “dad I want to be a fashion designer when I grow up.” A fashion designer, I like the sound of that. So, I tell her “sweetie if you want to be a fashion designer you need to go to college.” She then tells me “I do not want to go to college, and I don’t like school.” So, I say “if you go to college and work hard you can be a fashion designer. If you don’t get a good education the only thing you will be designing is underwear because you need to be smart if you want to design dresses and pretty clothes.” Another time she expressed a lack of motivation about going to school, so I showed her a picture of an …show more content…

A few examples I ordinarily use would be phrases like. If you eat your breakfast you will feel great today, but If you don’t eat your breakfast you’re going to feel sick later. Sweetie you should always hold someone’s hand to be safe crossing the street or you are going to get hit by a car. Do you want a clean room, or a room with bugs in it? If you wear this outfit today, you will look beautiful, but if you wear that you’re going to look like a clown. The possibilities are endless. Consequently, I wonder what is going on in her mind when I am using my secret parental tactics. She probably just thinks her dad is a

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