Personal Narrative: My Trip To Hawaii

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Last summer, I went to Hawaii with my family and friends Vasu and Parth who are now in high school. The lesson which I learned is to not play when someone is tricking you. We landed at 9:00PM, rented a car, reached the resort which had seven restaurants, two swimming pools, and a sandy beach nearby.

The next day was a beautiful and bright sunny day. First, we went to the pool with a deep end of 9 feet. I said, “It is so wonderful when you go under the deep end.” After swimming, we headed to the beach. I said, “This is so fun and amazing when you get hit by the big wave.” I got hit by the waves and I was having so much fun. I was surprised about how salty the water was. However, the best part of the day was snorkeling. We boarded a boat and the captain took us far out on the ocean. We were given snorkeling gear and we carefully went into the water. My dad and I entered the water together and saw a sea turtle. I said, “This is one of my favorite adventures. I just loved this cool adventure in Hawaii.” …show more content…

We all decided to go the swimming pool.

We started playing Infection tag and the three boys teamed up and made me it all the time. This really made me really mad. My mom was watching me and said, “Hold your horses.” since I needed to chill out myself. I thought, “Why are they behaving so weird with me.” I was about to cry, but somehow I controlled myself.

Luckily, my dad came to check on all of us and I told my dad how pathetic they behaved toward me. My dad strictly warned those kids not to pick on me. Soon they realized their mistake and they said, “Since we made you so unhappy, it’s our job to make you happy again and to make you have fun playing with

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