Personal Narrative: My Sky Diving Adventure

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I have always been a thrill seeking person, and sky diving has been a thing I always wanted to do. When I finally got my chance, I couldn’t pass it up. My friends and I went to Florida during spring break. We were going to try something new for all of us. We were going to sky dive. It was a perfect April day for sky diving. The weather was nice and there wasn’t a cloud in sight, and no storms were going to be approaching anytime soon. We all drove down there together. Chris’s mom took us. We talked nonstop about our new task and betted each other 15 dollars if we did not follow with our plan and sky dive from 35,000 feet in the sky. The 15 hour trip took forever, but we passed the time away by listening to music, texting friends, and sleeping. When we got into Florida, we stopped and ate a small meal at Barnacles, a seafood restaurant. When we got done, we went to our hotel and then toured Tampa Bay.

Our thrill adventure was to begin that Saturday. For the next couple days, we swam, visited the ocean, played some beach football, and visited the Tampa Bay Buccaneers football stadium ...

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