Personal Narrative: My Cruise To The Bahamas

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This past summer, my family and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas. We had just docked at the second port, Nassau, and were preparing to exit the gigantic ship named the Carnival Fantasy. Once we got to the city, I noticed it was bustling with people of all different backgrounds and cultures. The roads were narrow and some even hilly. I remember coming to the conclusion that a lot of people in the Bahamas must have road rage what from the blaring car horns I could hear around every corner. My family and I were walking along the sidewalk, glancing into shops as we passed them. The weather was unbearably hot, but growing up in South Carolina allowed my family and I to push onward with our adventure. The sun burn on my back started to pulsate in pain any time the sunlight hit it, so we decided to stick to the side of the buildings that provided shade. …show more content…

One dollar for one bottle of water! It’s hot out folks, stay hydrated! Water, water!” He was still announcing his sales pitch as we went by, however, as soon as I came into his sight, his words changed. He looked at me and immediately changed “Water, water!” to “Agua, agua,” which is “water” in Spanish. Now I understand his level of literacy may have led him to believe that based on my features, my jet black hair, small dark brown eyes, and golden skin, gave him the impression that I was Hispanic. Oh yes, I understand what he may call “thoughtful” wording was anything but. In fact, his assumptions offended me. This was not the first time these sort of assumptions have been made towards me, but it just shows that my entire life has been this way and it infuriates me from time to

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