Personal Narrative: My First Horse

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My first horse I bought is what has helped shape me. I bought him with my own money for 1,000 dollars in hope to make him into a barrel horse. It was a warm spring day when we went to buy him. I was twelve and was so excited to go get my new three year old horse. Normally when you go buy a horse you look and make sure they have a good conformation but i did not care what he looked like. When we got to the ladies house I loaded him into the trailer before she could change her mind. Little did I know the struggles and successes that were to come. He helped me become responsible, persistent and, preserver through any obstacle. When we got him home the responsibilities began to flow. Twice a day i would have to feed him and that was not even the start. Everyday I had to brush him and clean his feet out to …show more content…

When we began to start doing good everybody saw it. We went from average to above average in just two months. I had him for two years before we started running average runs and my hard work finally paid off. One spring afternoon I won my first barrel race against about fifty grown women and at least 30,000 dollar horses. I won over 1,000 dollars that weekend and my confidence was sky high. All of my hard work had paid off. After that night i began to win more and more barrel races. After two years all of my hard work and persistence had paid off. Training my own horse taught me how to be responsible because of all the responsibility it held. My life almost revolved around my horse. I never had time to hang out with friends outside of school unless they were helping me take care of my horse. Many days I would go out to ride him and would see no change and no progress or he would even be doing worse than the day before, but i would keep my head high and try again the next day. I went to so many barrel races before he began to start running with the average horses. I never gave up and persevere through every

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