Personal Narrative-My First Day Of Running Track

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My First Practice All throughout my life, I never really would consider myself as a runner or even remotely in shape to be one. Running seemed extremely difficult from a far off perspective, especially to someone like me who didn't have any experience when it came to running. However, without even knowing it my life would soon change. It all started with the second semester of my freshman year of high school. I had a very difficult decision to make, which was either play softball where most of my friends were involved in or run track which I knew only a few members. Finally, my decision was made and I decided to run track. My decision was not easy, nevertheless I decided to run track despite what others said about it being extremely hard. On the first day of track practice, my heart felt like it was going to explode from within my chest before it even began. I looked around me and noticed several kids around my age, but most had participated in it before and were …show more content…

Over time it was the sport I had grown to love and appreciate most. I eventually made it to states my freshman year and have made it every year since. I am now finished with my junior year of track, which means I have made it to the State Championship three years in a row. More than ever I am glad that I decided to go against everyone’s opinion and follow my heart. It led me to find a sport that I was not only good in, but it also helped me find a new talent I had no idea that I was capable of. Running has a always will be a source of relief for me. I find a sort of peace when I run, it helps me to block out the outside world and my problems for just a short while. If I would have never followed my heart instead and chosen track, I wouldn’t have found a new talent, the sport I love, or something that gives me a sense of relief in my life. I wouldn’t be who I am today, without running being brought into my

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