Personal Narrative: My Experience As A Police Officer

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When I was a little kid I was fascinated with the way the Police Department did their duty I began playing as a Police Officer at the age of five; my first role was a Chief in the game in Criminals vs Police game a small old-fashioned theatre in my birthplace of Nacogdoches in United States, Texas was where I would spend most of my free time, and summer vacation as a juvenile. In the years that followed I was featured in several background kids actors like Kindergarten Cop, The Babylontits!, Peter Pan, and more in my primary, and Secondary School I got into fights a bunch of fights I was suspended mostly every month in secondary school I took a break from fighting to help my dad with the construction of houses there I gained hands-on experience with construction and saws learning the ins-and-outs of woods, and chopping it.

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