Personal Reflection Of A Career As A Police Officer

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In the past eight years as a police officer for the City of South Salt Lake, I have found that personal growth and achievement in my career have been based on certain past experiences. Such experiences have molded what my personality is today. I have found that in order to be triumphant in my personal and professional goals, it has been necessary for me to reflect not only on my strides, but also my mistakes. I have found by placing my ego aside and being honest with myself, I have become wiser in my choices as an officers and a person. This type of personal growth has reflected in my abilities become a leader, a well-rounded officer, a productive member of the K-9 unit, and a person who very much cares for the community he serves. I have learned over time it is necessary to take a personal interest in the community, and to work as a team to solve criminal issues. …show more content…

He continued to explain any officer can write tickets, and drive around and arrest people. However, being a good officer was about understanding the people in the community and their concerns. This would be the first time I remember reflecting on my duties as an

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