Personal Narrative: Foreign Parents By Students In Middle School

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Foreign Parents It was the summer going into 6th grade I was so excited for soccer season to start at my middle school. I would regularly check my calendar during the monotonous summer days to see how many days left until tryouts. My foreign parents are very strict and stubborn so I decided it would be best to inform them ahead of time so they don’t cancel my tryout plans. “Pappa, please, please, please don't go to work on the second weekend of August. I need to try out for soccer!” I said enthusiastically. “August? That a long time from now.Why you need to play football? I have no time for these unnecessary activities, is it a requirement for school?” He asked confusingly in Amarich. I then was presented with the ultimatum. My Ethiopian …show more content…

Please allow me to participate. Everyone at school will be trying out for the team. I would be the only person not too. Please.” I said adamantly. I pleaded many times before but I felt that this time would be different. My dad turned of his computer and glared daggers at me. “Leedya, how many times must I tell you I have no time for these needless activities? Please don't bother me again” he said quickly. In just that second all the hope I had wheezed out of me like I was a popped balloon. Growing up as a child, my Ethiopian parents wouldn't allow me to participate in the extra-curricular activities that my classmates pursued. I was so confused in school as a kid. I felt almost as if I was a fish in the dishwasher. I felt very different and I had a really bad accent that I was very ashamed of because it would lead to so many questions… Another downside of having foreign parents is I must translate all the time. More specifically when my dad is on the phone with a bill collector. This is because the recipients can't understand his african accent that mispronounces vowel sounds. “Helooooo, mista I pay Xfinatee WI-FEEE last week why you put more money on account?” My dad said in the best english he could regurgitate. “Excuse me, sir do you mean Xfinity Wifi?” The recipient asked

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