Personal Narrative Fiction

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Just my luck!

Just two day’s ago, almost one percent of the DFW area had been infected by my mystery disease.

But, luckily the biologist had got a hold on me, on the substance. Its the source of the virus.

Then Derick got a hold of me saying he’s going to Atlanta to inform the CDC about this virus and before he left I told him what the biologist had told me, and it was problematic for sure, but thats not what worries me.

Derick said that if this virus did come from that tube, then it may not be something we can fight, or at least not easily.

So today is my my first day in a self admitted quarantine, too bad this is not going to be an easy thing with what’s about to happen.

I was working on one of my jobs(a bug fix.) When it happend. …show more content…

But what it felt like was my hearing suddenly blacked out and then it felt like water running up my head.

When my hearing came back, it was much clearer. But coming from the wrong point on my head.

When I felt for where my ears should have been. I found just a flat area of my head like I never had ears in the first place.

I ran to the bathroom to find out where my ears are…

What I saw made me blink, and then again. I could not believe what I was seeing.

The ears on the side of my head were gone, and on the top of my head were cat like ears, but unlike the ones on my cat, these were a bright orange.

I leapt towards my phone. Only one person knew about my self quarantine. So only Derick could come to see this possible symptom of the virus.

“Allen… Is anything wrong? You don’t normally call me when I’m at atlanta unless it’s important.”

“I think I’ve found a possible new symptom of the disease.”

“... Tell me… Is it lethal?”

“Non-lethal but very

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