Meniere's Disease Research Paper

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In this article titled, “Meniere’s Disease,” the authors state the definition of Meniere’s Disease

and the potential causes. Meniere’s Disease is a disorder of the middle ear that can cause tinnitus,

vertigo, and hearing loss. The hearing loss can be in one ear or unilaterally. The cause of

Meniere’s Disease is unclear in this article but is thought to be due to the swelling of the inner

ear. Doctors rarely see cases of Meniere’s Disease; only about 10-20 cases per doctor per year.

The symptoms of Meniere’s Disease usually only last about 5 to 15 yrs, but the lasting effects of

disequilibrium, tinnitus, and some hearing loss can remain permanently. To diagnose a patient

with Meniere’s Disease, doctors must first rule out the possibility of Vertigo. Since vertigo and …show more content…

Usual Meniere’s episodes can last from 20 minutes to several hours. Managing the

symptoms of Meniere’s would include diet and lifestyle changes, and a list of medications

including Betahistine, diuretics, and corticosteroids. Changes to a diet that are like those with

migraine treatments such as reducing cheese, caffeine, and alcohol consumption. In closing,

Meniere’s disease is a chronic hearing condition of the ear but not typically diagnosed until

middle to late age. Meniere's can be severe if the symptoms become worse or the disease if not

properly managed.

I enjoyed reading this article. I felt it was easy to read, didn’t use heavy medical terminology so

it was easy to understand and it painted a clear picture of Meniere’s Disease. When I think about

hearing loss, I have never associated Meniere’s disease to hearing loss. I now understand that

Meniere’s Disease stems from the middle ear which would explain the “vertigo-like” symptoms.

My friend's husband suffered from Meniere’s Disease, and he had severe vertigo where he

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