Perpetual Nomads: Growing up with a Traveling Nurse

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On the Move "We're moving!", my Mom said aloud to our family of four at the dinner table. All I could do was face palm. Ever since I was introduced to the planet, moving to different areas of the city or country has been a huge part of my life. It became a yearly thing. My mom was a traveling nurse, so wherever she finds a job that's more decent in salary or atmosphere, we would end up moving to an area close to where her new job would be. I always thought of it as an exciting experience when I was younger. Almost like an adventure or journey across the country. As I got older it became more annoying and upsetting; always having to throw away any items in order to save money to travel, leaving behind old friends and soon forgetting them, or not being …show more content…

I was most devastated to have to say goodbye to Arizona. Leave my friends again, leave the heat and mountains, and start all over back in Illinois with the snow and flat-land. When first moving to Arizona, I enjoyed the experience since I was only in 7th grade at the time. I would have to say I really didn't know any better. Fast forward about four years and I was a junior about to be a senior in high school. I had to throw away my plans for college, rethink about it once we move to our new place, and start with a new social life which is not easy in my book. I'm an introvert. The fact that I made a small group of friends at the time was a miracle just from standing in the lunch line and they offered me to eat with them. While I had that issue stuck in my head, I was also trying to decide what's garbage and what can be kept. At the time, we didn't have much in finances to get us to Illinois. So we had to give away and throw out many belongings of ours. I was forced to throw out a good portion of my wardrobe. The thing that hurt the most was tossing my 8th grade graduation dress and my 8th grade dance dress. I had more dresses to toss, but those two were my most

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