My Moving Experience

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The big day was finally here, it was moving day. I was finally on the road to do the course I had always wanted to do, my excitement was unbearable. My emotions leading up to this day were completely mixed. Like most first years I had feelings of anxiety with a dash of worry. Looking back now I really had no reason to be afraid. One of the things that most put me off moving away from home was the fact I was sharing a house with nine girls. Yes, you read that right, nine girls. However, in these past two weeks I've grown so close to a few of them which is making my time here at Maynooth University even more memorable. So after completing two weeks at Maynooth University I've realised that collage isn't actually that bad. I thought I would spend at least the first month crying my eyes out and missing home like crazy but instead I'm looking forward to cooking exotic meals every night, learning different material and absorbing new experiences. …show more content…

Something I've discovered is that you really have to keep up with each class and the allocated work, it seems so easy to fall behind. The assigned readings are a must as they give you an insight into what the lecture will be about. At the start of my collage year I felt like this was such an effort to read these long articles but in fact they are extremely helpful and make you get the most out of your learning journey. I feel like these assigned readings are a huge key to success as a student

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