Personal Narrative-Band Concert Band Journey

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Gulping for air, chest pounding, emotions flurrying, I realize that my last performance of the season was about to finish and I become, to say the least, very emotional. The sounds of flam-threes CHAA-TU-DA, in fast succession resonate from my snare drum played with pure adrenaline; I realized that they were my last notes I’d ever make for the 2017 season. After the last big hits, the crowd was wild. And the screams of fans pervaded the arena. The feeling of pure accomplishment shot through my veins. What I thought was sweat streaming down my cheekbones turned out to be tears. The kind of tears that reveal the hundreds of hours of work, pain, and sheer motivation to be the absolute best performer I could be. As a part of East Coast Percussion (An A-Class WGI group), I realized I hold a talent mostly overlooked in America: the talent not only to be a performer, but a percussionist--not only to be a percussionist, but an inspiration. This journey all started from one YouTube video. One twelve minute and thirty seven second video that forever changed my life. …show more content…

Fifth grade band, easy peasy right? Hands clammy and butterflies exploding from my stomach I went into the band room to determine my destiny in band class. “I aced it!” I told my parents as I took off my size six vans. That’s what all kids say when they feel good about any test, but sometimes the things you say are not always true and this was one of those times--I was cut. This was the first time in my life where I experienced a real failure. The kind that affects your mind, and makes you cringe when you think about it every damn time. I let failure engulf me. My desire to drum faded, and my kit bought for my eighth birthday was sold

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