Mighty Falcon Marching Band Analysis

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Being a member of the Firelands High School “Mighty Falcon Marching Band” has taught me more about myself, shown me respect for others, given me a sense of commitment, and brought me more positive experiences in my high school career than anything else I have participated in. The long, challenging rehearsals wonderful performances, and exciting trips have defined my experiences during the past four marching seasons. This ragtag group became my second family. I obtained these lessons about being a part of a group and putting the needs of others above myself; this has been the most crucial lesson. I’ve had the honor to partake in the extremely rewarding feelings, such as enthusiasm and excitement, that come with being a part of a band. When our director collected our finals on, the last week of school of my junior year, it dawned on my class that we were the new seniors. As the new leaders, we had to learn how to handle new situations with difficult underclassmen and how to encourage the band in the best of the difficult times to have them improve their skills to progress the band further and set the bar higher on excellence. In a band, it’s important to lead by example and to have the enthusiasm to bring in the games. …show more content…

As you watch the concert, our ‘refined machine’ performs a show and tells a story as it tests a person’s strength, both mentally and physically. A few weeks before the concert, our director pulled the band seniors into his office to tell us the dreadful news. The dreadful news was that the Board of Education (BOE) chose the day of the concert to demolish the field to put in new turf for the upcoming football season. Conveying our positions in perspective, we had to go to the next Board of Education meeting to have them change the date of the field being torn to

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