Near-Death Experience: A Childhood Memory

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Have you ever almost been killed or in a near death experience? Well I have, and I can personally tell you that it is not something that you ever want to do in your lifetime. It all happened about 5 years ago when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. I was 8 years old and, now that I really think about it, because I’m writing this paper, that was probably one of the worst, if not worst, days in my entire life. No, it probably was the worst day in my life. It was about in the middle of the summer when my grandpa called my dad and said that he needed us to come over that weekend and help him burn crp. My dad said that he had done it loads of times with his brother and sister when he was a kid and he said if you payed attention and did it right, it was fun. So that weekend we drove over there, which is about a hour trip. The entire time we were riding, all I could think about was that this would probably be the coolest thing in the world. I had never done it before and I have always loved to burn things up because it’s destroying things in a very cool way. I just …show more content…

I’m exaggerating when I say “wreckage” because the ranger was perfectly fine, it just had some bumps and bruises and was on it’s side, but my dad was in worse shape. He was in a crumpled heap, still inside the ranger, but he managed to get back up and the first thing he did was worry about me. He asked if I could move everything and if anything felt broken and I said yes to all of this, but I did start to cry while he was asking me. Obviously he asked me why I was crying, but looking back on it, I honestly can’t say. I guess I was just distraught that I had crashed the ranger. But I was ok after I got it out of my system and everybody came down to help get the ranger out of the ditch, because they had seen the whole thing from the house, and we all rode back to the house to talk about

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