Dying: A Short Story

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I didn’t want to say goodbye. I couldn’t believe he was leaving; and for three years. “I’ll be here when you get back.” I promised him. “I’m counting on it.” Trey replied. Trey was in the Army. He was being deployed to a place he couldn’t tell me and for three years at the least. Tonight was my last night with him. We had a blanket set out on the beach, laying side by side; my toes grasping the sand and throwing it back to the ground. We fell silent for awhile listening to the waves come in and out and hearing the chirping of the crickets in the dune grass behind us. As we sat on the beach, my head against his shoulder, he played his guitar. I sang along to the tune, the lyrics flowing out of my mouth. The moon was beautifully shining …show more content…

He almost never writes less than a page and I usually always got an ‘I love you’ at the end. This time I got one sentence. I let it go, assuming he was in a rush and tried to focus on the fact that he’d be home in three months. I walked to ‘Manhattan Mocha’ the next morning like I had for the past 2 years and 9 months because it reminded me of Trey. When I approached the door, I froze. There was Trey. Sitting at a table with another girl. My view instantly became blurry with tears. I tried to tell myself that it wasn’t him over and over again but in my heart I knew it was. My mind started racing. I ran and ran until I couldn’t run anymore trying to get the farthest away from that place as possible. How could it be him? He wasn’t supposed to be back for another three months. It’s not him. It can’t be. A hand grabbed my shoulder. I hoped and hoped that it was Trey coming to tell me that it wasn’t what I thought it was. When I turned around, I saw that it was Cody. He hugged me and I let myself cry into his shoulder. My mascara dripped down his shirt but I didn’t care and I don’t think he did either. “Maybe it wasn’t him?” Cody shook his head. “He didn’t even tell me he was coming home. He didn’t even come find me.” I continued. Cody just

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