My First Crack Research Paper

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The First Crack First the pop, then the pain. It was a sickening sound as my body fell to the asphalt, my head was spinning and I was not entirely aware of what had just happened. I recall screaming out for help and at this time I still do not know why. I felt numb and unaware of my surroundings even though it was very familiar to me. In this moment, I did not know that such an injury would affect me in the long term. My first “real” injury that required medical attention. Horrified is an understatement, my seventh-grade self did not want to go to the hospital to get poked with needles, examined by what seemed to be 100 nurses and doctors. All that I really wanted was medication to relieve the pain and to go back home, but as most hospital visits go it was not just and in and out. It was a go in, wait for what seemed to be hours, get seen by a doctor, more waiting, and then finally the nurse comes with the discharge papers with a gigantic list of suggestions of what not to do with a fractured elbow. …show more content…

I was on the ground wincing, not really sure about what was going on, and my first thought was to call out for help. My dad came racing over in the ranger and brought me back home while telling me. “It isn’t broken, you won’t need to go to the

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