Personal Leadership Development Plan

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Leadership Presentations and Leadership Development Plan

One of the major aspects of the Personal Leadership Development Plan is to engage in self-reflection for the betterment of self. The Personal Leadership Development Plan is an ongoing plan that is dynamic. For instance, if I would have written this plan without taking the class or reading this book- it might have looked completely different. A reoccurring theme in my leadership development plan was developing stronger self-awareness with every chance that I can get. Self-awareness is extremely important in leadership because as a leader, people need to have awareness of those that they lead. To have awareness of those that you lead, it is important to have awareness in self. How does …show more content…

It is important to have a network of people to tell ideas to as well. In this leadership plan, I realized that I was repetitive with what I needed to aspire to as a leader. I found myself writing about ways that I would like to develop more self-awareness. Through Discover Your True North, I have found a way to make a detailed plan in order to find ways to better myself through personal leadership development. The first part of the plan [intellectual development] stood out to me because it can be personalized. Every leader has a different intellect because different factors determine intellect. In my intellectual development, I have found that I want to deepen my intellect by increasing my ability to become a strategic risk taker. As an individual who is afraid of failing, it causes me to become risk-averse to avoid failure. I need to deepen my intellect by doing research on individuals who are strategic risk takers to see the actual proof. Another way that I hope to deepen my intellectual development is gaining the ability to fully communicate for the betterment of becoming a leader. Communication is fundamental when trying to become a successful leader. Individuals all bring something valuable and

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