Personal Essay

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Junior high drama is everywhere, just like oxygen to breath, you can never get away from it no matter what. Stumbling back into the junior high was the last thing I wanted to do, but I had my parents on my back. All I thought about was high school, and how I wanted to be there instead of this prison. I would move on to bigger and better things in high school. Thankfully, this was my last semester then I would be set free, leaving it all in the past. I was hoping to get through this hell with out any setbacks, but I must have jinxed myself. Some of the mistakes I make I can just blow off, but this critical mistake could cost me my future. Until this day I can still remember every thing that happened. I have always asked myself, “Why did I forward that message?” Frost, the only thing I saw out my bedroom window, kept me focused on my homework. Temperatures dropping so rapidly, it dropped twenty- five degrees in an hour. The temperatures, frigid, plumbing to negative fifteen by the time it was over. Sunday nights are for the procrastinators to do their homework, surprisingly, one is me. Suddenly cellphone vibrations filled the room, it was from one of my classmates. The picture message downloaded for a few minutes, and it stated, “If you think this girl is a w****, s***, and a b**** forward this on.” I sat there in a moment of silence, mice scurrying up and down the walls. Being a junior high student, I really didn’t put much though into it. You don’t think for your future you think for the time now. The message referred to one of my ex girlfriends, so that made me forward it on with out any thought. Making that decision shocked me for what awaited me at school the next day. Stumbling into school the next day didn’t make my day be... ... middle of paper ... ... life. From that day on I would learn to treat any girl with respect. Big, skinny, emo, homosexual, or whatever there type is I would still treat them as equal as anyone else. I would never call them any bad names even if they were the biggest b**** ever. Calling girls names will not get you very far in life. Girls remember everything you tell them or call them. It’s a lot different if you call a guy a bad name because you could just beat their a** or just laugh about it. Usually, if a girl says anything bad about me I just blow it off and just keep walking. I put a smile on my face like it doesn’t even harm me, that always makes them madder. Also, I don’t want to be known as the biggest d*** ever either. So I treat girls with more respect than any one else. The experience I had in grade school will stay with me forever and I will pass it on to generations to come.

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