Pentadic Analysis of the Statue of Liberty

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Pentadic Analysis of the Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty is one of the most well know symbols of the United States, across the world. For this reason I chose to analyze the dramatic effect it creates, and what methods it implores to invent this "universal" meaning. It is one of the strongest visual representations of the ideals which our country is founded upon. I intend to defend the argument that the Statue of Liberty posses the power of persuading human thought using the terms encompassed in Kenneth Burke's Pentad, shaping the definition of "America" for people through out the world. The Statue of Liberty was originally a gift to the United States from France, back in the late 1800's. The massive structure is one of the first images of America seen be people entering the country through Ellis Island. In the previous century, most of the immigrants who sought refuge on the shores of "the land of the free, and the home of the brave" entered our boarders through the immigration office of Ellis Island. It became an image associated with the political freedom and h...

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