Analysis Of The Statue Of Liberty

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First off I would like to tell as to why I chose this object; this amazing structure. I know I chose a pretty easy object to do a research paper over as well as probably an over used one at that. But I tried searching for just the best object and nothing stood out to me, everything was minuscule compared to this structure. It is the object of United States of America’s freedom. The Statue of Liberty or by it’s other name Liberty Enlightening the World is one of the most iconic objects in the known world as well as being the most noticeable and iconic structure in our country. This object, like I said prior is U.S.A’s symbol of Freedom. Lady Liberty (as many refer to her) is so amazing in mass amounts of ways. The statue is a great representation of the friendship between France and the USA back in the day. Over the years, the Statue of Liberty's symbolism has grown to include freedom and democracy as well as this international friendship. Lady Liberty physically looks like a tiny figure when viewed from the Brooklyn bridge. But up close it is one of the most impressive structures...

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