Patriotism In High Schools Essay

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Should High Schools Teach Patriotism? I believe high schools should teach patriotism because I believe it would prevent several issues among communities and individuals. The definition of patriotism the quality of being patriotic or the vigorous support for one’s country. If everyone in the world learned about patriotism people may understand the concepts behind our president’s decision and the government’s. Everyone needs to learn how to respect our country and respect each other’s opinions on various subjects dealing with our government system. Our country has the freedom to vote for who we want as a president, but sometimes it is not the person we want. If the president is someone the people do not want nor like, they tend to talk bad about the president. In some cases riots can begin to happen over the presidential election. If we are taught patriotism I believe all the behavior would come to a minimum because people would learn respect or even understand the decision the president makes. When our country does not support our president, it makes it harder on the president to perform his tasks. Our country needs to support our leader whether we like them or not. If we support the president, it makes his job easier and creates peace within …show more content…

Americans need to know the history of America and understand the laws of the land. With the knowledge of Americans and Patriotism it will ensure us that we can trust our nation and understand the importance of it. Several people come to the United States to seek freedom. I think that Americans take advantage of the freedom we have and turn it into a disadvantage anymore by all the negative influences in the world. Patriotism isn’t just about embracing our beliefs, it also about sharing our beliefs with everyone. We have immigrants which have their own types of beliefs, but when the come into the United States Americans can share our beliefs with

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