Essay On Being A Patriot

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Patriot A patriot is someone who feels a strong support for their country. The exact definition from Merriam-Webster is “A person who loves and strongly supports or fights for his or her country.” But to me there is way more to it than that. Patriots are someone every country needs to be a successful nation. A patriot to me are people that should not be overlooked or forgotten, they should forever be remembered as someone who put their country before themselves.
The first instances of the word “patriot” in the United States was during the American Revolution when the US fought against the British for our freedom. Patriot was used to describe the American who fought in the line of fire, for our country. Patriots have shaped this country …show more content…

The US dropped the draft system in 1973. Americans born within a certain date were put into the draft, and if their name was drawn they would have to report to the US Armed Forces. I guess you could call it a lottery that is against your own will. The reason why I think the all volunteer system say something good about our country is because of multiple reasons. One being patriotism, our own citizens did not have to go overseas to fight for our country, they decided to. But why you may ask, because like I said at the beginning they will fight and die for our freedom and opportunity to live a fulfilling lifestyle. The word “patriot” still holds up today the same way it did three hundred years ago in the American Revolution. Looking back at the beginning paragraph, I said to become a successful country you need patriots. Reason being a patriot is staple to every nation, because its what holds us together. They fight for the country, they will battle domestic and international terrorism if it means people are safe back home.
When I am out of the house and I see someone in a military uniform I always stop what I am doing to thank them. It is a small gesture, but I feel the need to show my appreciation. I believe we should all do this or just give them a quick thank you, it’s the least we could

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