Patrick Cleburne's Document Against Old Earth Creationism

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Seeking the Truth
This document is named after one that could have changed history. In 1864, the Confederacy was about to capitulate when a general named Patrick Cleburne proposed something that could rescue them from this horrid fate. The document was named the Cleburne manifesto, it detailed a plan to free the slaves and arm them in order to win the battle of attrition and defeat the north. If this was done the Confederacy's manpower reserves would be filled with soldiers driven by a cry for freedom. The global powers, France and Great Britain, would generously pay to have the Union defeated and the American south independent. The Confederacy had been drained in three long years, and men who used to fuel one of the great agricultural …show more content…

We are not fighting a war (technically we are…), and it truly may never be too late for us to accept Old Earth Creationism. However, Young Earth Creationism can eventually ruin the church. It will never be accepted by the main body of Scientists, and it has discredited Intelligent Design as well. Next, it has caused mass falling away from the church due to scientific issues. This would be necessary and accepted though if it were true. Unfortunately, tradition does not make something true, Jesus’ issues with the Pharisees was that their tradition held more weight than the Scriptures. So too have Young Earth Creationists been forced to sacrifice true Biblical Inerrancy in exchange for dogma and ridicule. There are six major points of Young Earth Creationist diversions from Scriptural truth: The days of Creation, Biblical Inerrancy (Grammatical-Historical Context), Genesis Genealogies, The Fall, The Flood, and Apparent Vegetarianism before the fall for animals and before the flood for …show more content…

This is because though if one opens their Bible to Genesis 1, it will say ‘And there was evening and morning the xth day’ but the Hebrew only says evening morning xth day and lacks ‘and there was’. The Hebrew also lacks any word to indicate a long but closed period of time aside from yom, as olam or qedem refer to indefinite periods of time. The appearance of evening and morning also do not indicate a solar day as in Psalm 90:6 which refers to the life cycle of grass, which takes weeks or months not a day. The fact that yom appears with a number is also not conclusive as in Zechariah 3:9-10, which obviously refers to a period of time as people would not invite their neighbors over for just one solar day. If God wanted to indicate a solar day more clearly He could have said that He did x in the morning and y in the evening. He also would not refer to a supposed week as one day, which indicates that the days of creation are actually ages. Since the Bible establishes long indefinite periods of time, we can look to science and gather that they may have been millions or even billions of years. This also does not limit God, as He could have done the major events of creation in a day, but He indicated in His word that He did not. Another strange view still held my most Christians in the United States, is that the Sun was created on day four

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