Patient Wait Time Essay

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How to Manage Patient Wait Time Distress? (at doctor's office)
Wait-time is a serious issue at present. People seem to research online to assess the least of the doctors’ wait time before making an appointment. No one likes to wait for their turn to see the doctor. It creates distress and frustration among the patients, which involves the risk of losing patients.
To conserve your patients, you need to deal with their wait-time distress efficiently. Before that it is important to understand what stresses a patient. Here, we would disclose some relaxing techniques that you may employ to minimize your patients’ anguish and perpetuate them.

An Anthology of the Causes of Patient Wait-Time Distress
Not every of the patients waiting in the doctor’s …show more content…

People are used to things being done instantaneously. When the whole world is running fast, everything comes to a standstill in a doctor’s office. Any time spent waiting is regarded as lost time and builds up stress.
However, there are some people who suffer from Iatrophobia, fear of doctors and hospitals. Needless to mention, they are experience worse distress visiting a physician.
How to Manage Wait-Time Distress of Patient
There are certain techniques that actually help to manage and eventually eliminate patients’ distress. An administrative assistant can easily employ these techniques to minimize the average wait times creating a peaceful ambience.
Technique #1: As 80% of patients said, they don’t get anxious if they knew how long they need to wait for their appointment in advance. Administrative assistant can ring them up beforehand and inform about the lined up patients, so that they don’t have to dash in. They can even carry a MP3 player to pass the wait-time listening to their favorite tracks. Playing clash of titans or candy crush is most common activity seen in a waiting room.
Technique #2: While waiting, when the Clinic staffs communicates about the wait-time they curtail their distress and

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