Panera Bread Research Paper

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Research on Panera Bread’s customer service has begun. Group 7 is in the process of compiling primary and secondary research to conduct a recommendation report for Ronald M. Shaich, the founder and CEO of Panera Bread. We are currently in the observing and gathering information stage of our schedule, enabling us to analyze and explain in-depth concepts regarding our Topics to Investigate section of our proposal.

After reviewing Panera Bread’s customer service, we hope to reach new target audiences by expanding location opportunities globally, specifically aiming toward Chihuahua, Mexico. We will demonstrate how in our formal recommendation report due April 16, and in our presentation on April 21.

Group 7 submitted a proposal that included primary and secondary topics about Panera Bread’s customer service. To report findings on each topic, Group 7 will investigate how customers are treated, dining area atmosphere, and style of management. Group 7 will also utilize sources from scholarly texts and articles, company website information, and customer reviews to evaluate customer service. This progress report will discuss Group 7 primary and secondary research that has been completed, as well as step we plan on taking. …show more content…

Customers are treated as their number one priority. As far as Panera Bread’s dining area goes, cleanliness and available seating is what we observed. All of the condiments and necessities are well stocked for the customers’ convenience. The style of management that we found was participative. The managers worked with the employees to get tasks done, and encouraged employee decision-making. The manager was not strict or overpowering. We overcame the problem of overcrowding by visiting Panera at a time when business is slow.


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