Implementing PBIS: A Proactive Approach to School Discipline

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The first key concepts I learned about was using research-based, scientifically validated interventions to the extent available. I learned that PBIS is designed to meet the specific needs for each individual school. Teachers and administrative staff collaborate and discuss the problem areas in their schools. Then they design a plan to help prevent these problems. This is the great thing about PBIS is it is a preventative behavioral program. It’s purpose is to teach and practice before there is a problem. The team uses data to determine where the specific problem areas are. Then preventative rules for these specific areas are designed. So instead of having a general guidelines for the whole school. There would be a set of rules for parts of the school. For example there would be separate set of rules for the classroom, hallway, bathroom, cafeteria, and buses. Then the rules are broken up even further by safety rules, responsibility rules, and respect rules. When the entire school is following the rules and expectations it helps bring consistency to the teachers and staff. There is a consistency when it comes to praise and punishment. Children will know what to expect from all teachers and staff when it comes to following …show more content…

Establishing rules for certain times and areas in the classroom. Awarding rewards for positive behavior and doing what is expected. An example might be the rules for the reading nook. The reading nook is only to be used at specific times, you may not lay on each other, you are only to read books. There is no talking at the reading nook. Students who use the reading nook appropriately and consistently can earn a ticket, which is a school wide reward, or I could have my own classroom reward system. A classroom reward system might be when positive appropriate behaviors are observed as a class as a whole they earn a point towards a popcorn party or extra

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