Our Family Vacation to Sunny California

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I stepped out of the hotel and walked to the rental car with my older brother Sean. Me and my family are in California for summer vacation. We’ve never been to California, so it’s a nice break from Washington. I’ve only left Washington two other times, the first time was my Aunt’s wedding in Georgia. The second time was when we took my brother to Boston University. Usually, my family comes to Washington to see us, so it was weird to leave.My parents were already in the car when me and Sean got there. We were going to see my Uncle and his new wife and kids for dinner. Their house was about an hour from the hotel. We would have stayed with them but we wanted to stay somewhere that was closer to the city. We haven’t seen my cousins in a few years. They haven’t been able to come up to see us because either Jeremy goes to camp or they decide to go to Europe for vacation. And we don’t really leave Washington that often. There’s no real reason why, we just don’t leave. It’s not really that big of a deal but I do miss seeing them. My uncle’s gotten remarried and had two more kids since we last saw him. My cousin, Jeremy, is the oldest and the last time I saw him he was 10, now he’s 15. The other two I haven’t met, which is really weird to think about. I’ve seen pictures of them from Christmas cards and on Facebook but I’ve never really talked to them. The second oldest, Laney, is 5 and the youngest, Presley, is 3.On the drive over I listened to music but then my mom tried to get my attention. I took out my headphones and said, “What?” “We were just talking about how school was going for Sean.” “And? What does that have to do with me?” “You’re going to be a senior next year. You should have an idea of where you want to go. You need to sta... ... middle of paper ... ...know you guys aren't lying because Jeremy lies all the time. Like one time he said Santa wasn't real! But I knew he was lying because I left Santa a letter under the Christmas tree once and he wrote me one back!" She looked so happy. It was absolutely adorable."You know I've never told anyone this but I've seen Santa before. When I was eight, I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard something on the roof, so I went downstairs and I saw Santa putting gifts under the tree." Both Laney and Presley had their mouths open in shock. "OMG! Did you get his autograph?!" Jeremy said mockingly. "Yeah, did you?!" Presley asked wide eyed. "I did but then Sean thought it was just a blank piece of paper and wrote all over it." Clare called us over to have dinner. When we all sat down, Uncle George asked Sean if he liked Boston University. “Yeah, it’s great, I love it.”

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